The Fastest Way To Build A Private Pay OT Practice - Guaranteed


Start My Dream Practice TODAY!

The real problem in OT is a huge portion of our day isn't dedicated to actually serving our clients...


The dirty little secret in Occupational Therapy today is that a lot of what we do doesn’t involve therapy at all.


In fact, you could spend as much as one-third of your day just struggling to meet impossible “productivity standards,” seeing up to five clients at a time while checking all the boxes the hospitals and insurance companies created for you. 


You end up filling out paperwork and answering to third parties who never set foot inside the treatment room INSTEAD of serving the people you’re dedicated to helping the most. 


It’s easy to feel like just another cog in the therapy factory machine... 


And you fight for your clients. You truly do… 


But it’s not easy. 


Because you’re handcuffed by predetermined negotiated rates, a rigged appeals process, and petty bureaucrats who think every case should be limited to just six therapy sessions. 


All these third parties seem to care about is the bottom line—not what’s best for your client. 


And they certainly don’t respect the expertise you bring to the table. 


It shouldn’t be like this…


We passionately believe OTs and their clients are at their best when they’re free to do the work they love.


You and I weren’t called to OT because we were good at filling out forms. 


We were called for a higher purpose:


To apply our knowledge of the human body in the best way possible…


To free people from daily challenges that have been holding them back…


And to do the kind of client-directed work we love. 


But the way our work environments are structured, it’s really hard to help them get there. 


Hi, We are Doug and Lindsey Vestal... 


We founded The Functional Pelvis, the first in-home pelvic health practice in New York City run by an Occupational Therapist. 

We built the business from nothing.

Lindsey is the kick-butt OT getting her clients better and Doug is the business strategist working behind the scenes to make the business thrive.

Lindsey scheduled her work around her life (instead of the other way around) and we have grown it into the thriving, profitable practice it is today.

Along the way, Lindsey has helped thousands of private-pay clients get back to living healthier, happier lives...

… and we did it all without ever taking insurance.  


There was a time though, when things didn’t look so rosy. 


For the first three years after OT school, Lindsey jumped from job to job to job. She tried everything: Inpatient rehab, acute rehab and outpatient settings, home health, and skilled nursing facilities. 



And everywhere she went, it was the same story… 


Lindsey spent most of my day worrying about what management and the insurance companies expected, rather than what she knew her clients NEEDED. 


She ran herself ragged... 


Jumping from room to room, skipping lunch to finish my ever-growing documentation backlog and—because she couldn’t give them the attention they deserved—she was seeing little progress in my clients. 


To make matters worse, for all her effort Lindsey was barely making enough to pay the minimum on her ginormous student loan debt. 


And you know what? 


Today Lindsey considers herself one of the lucky ones. Because these days the situation is even worse. 


But what if things were different? 


Imagine if every OT’s work could be about what’s best for the client — instead of working around insurance company demands and impossible “productivity” standards.  


If you could cut out all those middle men… the big corporate hospital, unfeeling bureaucrats at the insurance companies, and managers saying “just get it done”... 


If it were just you and your client… 


How would that change the way you work each day? 


You could spend more time with each client and less time on documentation... 


More time planning your treatment sessions instead of winging it because you’re racing through your day in that frantic do-whatever-it-takes to make the invisible bosses happy mode...


You could come up with tailored treatments for your unique clients instead of re-copying faded HEP printouts created for cookie-cutter patients.


Imagine how your clients would feel more cared for, heal more fully, and get back to their normal lives faster.


Think about how much more control you could have over your own schedule. No more scarfing down a quick snack on the run or waking up exhausted only to start up the hamster wheel all over again.


And how it would feel to be truly appreciated as the expert healer you are. 


Sounds pretty good right? 


If you’re ready to escape the therapy factories and set yourself—and your clients—up for a better life, it truly IS possible… 


After ten years of owning and running our own practice, we can confidently say — the private pay model works better for OTs and their clients...

We don’t have to deal with insurance companies at all.  


Lindsey can focus on the reason she became a therapist - helping her clients get better.  


And no more bureaucratic headaches! 


Lindsey gets paid what she’s worth. So she can plan for the future without worrying that reimbursement rates could change without warning.  


 Lindsey gets the daily satisfaction of practicing therapy as she knows best.  


And knowing she’s in full control of her career...


And because there’s full transparency in our pricing, our clients have more say in their own care, too. 


The truth is, no one likes how the conventional “system” works.


Each and every client you see is a human being with unique life challenges. You know that. But all the third parties involved? Well, they don’t exactly leave any room for flexibility, right? 


And that means OTs are rarely allowed to do their jobs in the most effective way possible.  


It’s why so many of us are voting with our feet by making a new choice.


We won’t be satisfied with the status quo. We’re not going to just “get along” and let our clients suffer in the process.   


No – not when we can build something that truly changes peoples lives AND gives us the freedom to change our own.


The good news is, it’s never been easier to start and grow your own private pay practice. 


All you need is a heart for the clients who need your help, a couple of hours per week, and a solid plan.


Private Pay MBA

How OT business owners are serving their clients more fully, reclaiming their time, and finally getting the pay and recognition they deserve

Private Pay MBA is for:

  •  OTs who’ve struggled to get ahead in their careers. No matter how many years of schooling they’ve finished, how many hours of hands-on training they’ve had, or how long they’ve been practicing...
  • OTs tired of wasting precious time and energy fighting for their clients…
  • OTs who despite the temporary setbacks, keep reinventing themselves and are 100% motivated to do occupational therapy the way it was intended.

The result?

An easy-to-follow, ground-up method that gives you a crystal clear roadmap for planning, building, and growing a private pay practice that clients will happily pay up-front for.

Here’s How You’ll Go From Zero to Thriving Business, Step-By-Step:

Chapter 1: Activating Your Business Brain

  Business owners have a different (and exciting!) way of looking at the world. So before anything else, we’ve got to shift our way of thinking about how we work.

 By the time you’ve finished Chapter 1, you’ll know for sure whether the private pay model is for you and your new practice. Spoiler alert: it is!

 You'll be fully equipped to attack your entrepreneurial to-do list, take on imposter syndrome full force, and be way more confident in your ability to finally get paid what you're worth.

 You’ll also discover...

  • The secret to attracting clients who take you seriously as an expert (and refer their friends to you).
  • A counterintuitive approach to time management that'll have your new business fully set up in record time—even if you're working a full-time job and have kids at home.
  • The only way to know for sure if you’re really ready to launch your business. 
  • The Scarecrow Defense for overcoming imposter syndrome: Placing this small item on your desk each day instantly puts you in control of your business.
  • PLUS... how to create a business your clients love so much they won't even LOOK at the competition -- even if there are already a gazillion "experts" in your field.

They didn’t teach you this stuff in OT school!

Chapter 2: Legitimizing Your Business

You’ve just set your brain to “business mode” and now you’re ready to take action… Awesome! 

We're here to help you you’ll roll up your sleeves and take care of all the nitty gritty logistics every business owner has to have in place - plus some of those little things OT’s need that “normal” entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about... like securing an NPI number and liability insurance. 

By the time you’ve finished Chapter 2, you’ll know what to do before you can hang your shingle and welcome your first customer, including… 

  • Exactly where to find state business requirements FAST and register your new biz with minimum fuss.
  • What’s the deal with taxes? Everything you need to know to get legit and avoid a big tax bill down the road.
  • Why OTs, PTs and other health professionals are actually at an advantage over other business owners.  (Psst... it could mean lower taxes and a better retirement plan for you!)
  • Use this easy "client-ready" checklist that takes you from zero to full-fledged business owner
  • PLUS... Everything you need to get your NPI number, set up a telehealth practice, prevent liability issues, and more!

No need for guesswork. This system covers ALL the bases.

Chapter 3: Pricing Your Services, Taking Payments, & Tweaking Your Processes

You’ve set your foundation, made everything legit, and now you’re ready to start getting PAID. 

Once you’ve finished Chapter 3, you’ll have all the tips and tools to make your new practice run smoothly from the start, so don’t worry about reinventing the wheel. Instead, you can spend more time growing your brand new business!

Here’s some of what you’ll get your hands on...

  • Freedom of Practice Form Treasure Chest: Never worry that you’ve left something out... simply swipe these intake and consent forms, superbill and more and you're good to go!
  • The counterintuitive reason LOW rates could actually mean LESS business.
  • How to confidently set your rates to get paid your value.
  • Client scheduling, intake forms, phone calls, and telehealth appointments all of $6 a month?! Yep, and there's a simple tweak that makes it all 100% HIPAA compliant.
  • Website in a Weekend: The five must-haves that turn your new website into a client-getting machine.  

Your OT life is about to get a whole lot more exciting… 

Chapter 4: Perfecting Your Client Lifecycle 

This is where we’ll surprise and delight new clients with unexpectedly smooth onboarding, high-touch follow up, and personal and caring interaction at every point in between. 

Together, we’ll get into real-world scenarios like… 

  • A Day in the Life of Your Practice: How many clients you can plan to see in a day and what kind of downtime to plan for.
  • “Do you take insurance?” A step-by-step walkthrough of the awkward insurance conversation and how you can flip this dreaded question on its head making price practically irrelevant.
  • Your goal on an initial client call (Hint: It's not to get them on your schedule)  Here’s what you really want to accomplish from your very first interaction.
  • The simplest way to reduce cancellations and make sure your clients remember to show up for their appointments on time – so you’re not left hanging.
  • A simple formula to answer the question “What do you do” so you’re never caught unprepared. 
  • PLUS... a proven exercise for establishing boundaries so you'll never lose your new-found time freedom to "squeaky wheel" clients.

Remember, you decided to go the independent route so you could treat your clients like they deserve to be treated.  This is the way.

Chapter 5: Marketing (and Growing) Your Practice

By now you’ve accepted a handful of clients, perfected your processes, and truly proven the private pay model works.

Congrats! That means you’re finally in control of your business.

Now it’s time to spread the word and tell the world: 

This private pay thing works.

By the end of Chapter 5 you’ll be armed with all the (non-sleazy) marketing techniques you need to grow from here. We’ll work on building your authority, creating long-term referral relationships, and attracting more ideal clients than you can handle. 

Plus you’ll discover… 

  • The #1 marketing mistake new private pay practices make (and the only way you’ll break free from this newbie limitation). 
  • You be YOU: How to attract people who resonate with you, your lifestyle, and your personality and style – and purposefully repel those who don't. 
  • One simple exercise that'll attract dream clients to you in a flash. 
  • How to stop stressing over social: Discover smart social media strategies for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube that get real customers in the door – without having to post every day.
  • How to make it stupid-easy for doctors to refer the best clients to you
  • The “fly on the wall” method for discovering what your ideal client really wants to hear from you. 

Chapter 6: Working ON Your Business - Thriving In Your CEO Role

By now you'll see how rewarding it is to be the CEO of your own private pay practice.  You truly get to be in the driver's seat of your business!

By the end of Chapter 6 you'll be incredibly confident to tackle your new CEO role.  We will work on distilling the things that are most important for you to focus on in your business, how to set goals that actually move the needle, how to monitor the health of your business like a seasoned pro, and how to avoid burn-out when you "try to do it all."

Plus you'll discover...

  • The RIGHT way to set goals for your business.  This 3 step process will give you clarity but also a detailed action plan to accomplish any of your big goals.
  • How to confidently know (and track) if your business is healthy - plus how to course correct if you need to.
  • What key performance indicators (KPIs) are and how many we recommend you start with (hint... less is more).
  • How to avoid the problem of "doing it all" and what to do instead to value your time.
  • The number 1 question to ask yourself when faced with a problem.  Asking this will be the difference between being stuck in analysis paralysis and moving forward.

You'll be well on your way to being the most confident CEO you know!


Join 100s of OTs Who Have Launched Their Practice with Private Pay MBA

Plus, You’ll Also Get These Business-Building Bonuses...

Private Pay Action Academy

6 month's access to Private Pay Action Academy.  An exclusive online community, off Facebook, for OT's pursuing private pay practice.

✅Dedicated forums to get you unstuck no matter the OT business topic

✅Find community accountability to help you take imperfect action

✅Post and receive customized feedback on your marketing materials

✅Post and receive customized OT website audit

$6,000 Value


6 Months Weekly Group Coaching

Implementation is everything.  Inside Private Pay Action Academy, you'll receive access to 6 months of weekly group coaching (Tuesday's @ 12 pm EST/9 am PST) with Doug

✅Unparalleled OT business accountability

✅Frequent Q&A sessions so you don't get stuck on anything

✅Breakout sessions with other OTs practicing call scripts so you are comfortable answering the question "Do you take my insurance?"

✅Dial into your business mindset, get unstuck, develop your authentic marketing message and navigate "sales" with ease

$7,500 Value


OT Website in a Box 

From Zero to Client-Attracting Website in Days

Feel stuck in the web-building maze?

I've invested $1,000s with top web designers to craft a fill-in website template tailored just for OT private pay practice owners.

No more tech headaches or wordy woes.

Learn proven copywriting techniques to voice your passion and attract your ideal clients.

Go from overwhelmed to online effortlessly, and watch your practice thrive.

$1,497 Value


OT Practice Forms 

Sidestep the hassle of paperwork creation, freeing you to focus solely on delivering exceptional care.

OT Practice Forms has 15+ forms you need when starting your practice.

We've got you covered with everything from privacy policies, in-take forms, release forms, Good Faith estimates, and more.

$497 Value


Dare to Dream Calculator 

 “How do I determine my rates?” 

We take a totally different approach to the old advice of "call your competitors find out their rates, and then undercut them."

That’s why we designed the Dare to Dream Calculator

It takes a totally different approach based on your needs, your aspirations, and the value you bring to the table. So when it comes time to answer the “How much do you charge?” question…

You can be fully confident in your answer, because you have numbers to back it up!

$97 Value


Private Pay Action Academy Private Podcast 

Unable to join the group coaching calls?

That's 100% okay.  We understand all the different roles you are juggling.

Unable to watch the recorded replays of the calls?  That's 100% okay as well.  We know that not everyone can sit down, uninterrupted for hours at their computer.

We get that life doesn't just stop because you are building an OT private pay practice.

So, the audio of all our group coaching calls are uploaded to a private podcast.

Listen the calls on-the-go when it is convenient for you!

$397 Value


Think of Private Pay MBA not as a cost, but as a transformative INVESTMENT. Why?

1️⃣ Just TWO paying clients, and your investment is returned. That's right, just two. But the returns don't stop there.

2️⃣ You are equiping yourself with lifelong skills to attract clients, do what you love, and earn a living where you are in the driver's seat - not a fickle employer #PRICELESS

3️⃣ And here's the cherry on top: It's TAX DEDUCTIBLE. So, not only are you investing in your future, but you're also making a savvy financial move.

Private Pay MBA isn't just another course; it's your gateway to financial freedom and finding more treatment freedom as an OT. Dive in, and let's turn this investment into endless returns.

Total Value = $18,370


Access Now For Just : $1,799


Private Pay MBA is the first and only program dedicated to OTs in Private Pay.  Not only do you get all the information to succeed, but you get unparalleled support to make it happen.

Either Option Gives You Instant Access

One Time Payment

  • Instant Lifetime Access to Entire 6 Chapter Online Course
    • Chapter 1: Activating Your Business Brain ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 2: Legitimizing Your Business ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 3: Pricing Your Services, Taking Payments, & Tweaking Your Processes ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 4: Perfecting Your Client Lifecyle ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 5: Marketing (and Growing) Your Practice ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 6: Working On Your Business - Thriving In Your CEO Role ($397 Value) 
  • Bonus 1: Private Pay Action Academy - exclusive community off social media (6 months access) to ask your questions, get accountability, post and receive feedback on all your marketing materials  ($6,000 Value)
  • Bonus 2: 6 Month's weekly group coaching to dial in your mindset, find clarity and take action ($7,500 Value)
  • Bonus 3: "OT Website in a Box: from 0 to client attracting website in days" - Build your practice website with confidence ($1,497 Value)
  • Bonus 4: "OT Practice Forms" - all the forms you need to run your private pay practice ($497 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Dare to Dream Calculator - Determine How Much You Can Earn ($97 Value) 
  • Bonus 6: Private Podcast - listen to all the group coaching calls on the go ($397 Value)


Total Value = $18,370

Instant Access for only $1,799


Cash-Flow Friendly

  • Instant Lifetime Access to Entire 6 Chapter Online Course
    • Chapter 1: Activating Your Business Brain ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 2: Legitimizing Your Business ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 3: Pricing Your Services, Taking Payments, & Tweaking Your Processes ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 4: Perfecting Your Client Lifecyle ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 5: Marketing (and Growing) Your Practice ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 6: Working On Your Business - Thriving In Your CEO Role ($397 Value) 
  • Bonus 1: Private Pay Action Academy - exclusive community off social media (6 months access) to ask your questions, get accountability, post and receive feedback on all your marketing materials  ($6,000 Value)
  • Bonus 2: 6 Month's weekly group coaching to dial in your mindset, find clarity and take action ($7,500 Value)
  • Bonus 3: "OT Website in a Box: from 0 to client attracting website in days" - Build your practice website with confidence ($1,497 Value)
  • Bonus 4: "OT Practice Forms" - all the forms you need to run your private pay practice ($497 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Dare to Dream Calculator - Determine How Much You Can Earn ($97 Value) 
  • Bonus 6: Private Podcast - listen to all the group coaching calls on the go ($397 Value)

Total Value = $18,370

Instant Access for only $347/m for 6 months


And...You'll Get The “Bold New Business” Guarantee

We believe so strongly in my mission to help more OTs and their clients reap the benefits of private pay that we want to make it as easy as possible for you to give a confident YES.

That’s why I’m offering the “Bold New Business” Guarantee.

Take a full six weeks to access all six chapters of Private Pay MBA. That’s just enough time to get your practice up-and-running (and likely even get your first private-pay client through the door)!

If after completing all the exercises and getting your questions answered, you still don’t feel like you have the tools you need to open your own client-focused, independent, and profitable private pay practice…no worries.

Simply email doug vestal "at" freedom of practice "dot" com with your completed exercises and we’ll hit “delete” on this whole OT-gone-rogue experiment and send your money back with no hard feelings.

You simply can’t lose.

Questions Your Fellow OTs Ask Before Saying YES to Private Pay MBA

If you’ve read this far, you already know the private pay model is working for more and more OTs.

Private Pay means more money in their pocket, more flexibility in how they treat their clients, and more freedom in how they schedule their work and family life.

The trouble is…

Eight out of 10 OTs reading this, will close the page, mull this whole private pay thing over, and plan to come back to it later.

At some point, probably just before the window of opportunity closes, they’ll decide they’re just fine-thank-you-very-much with the status quo.

They’ll clock in at their status quo job at their status quo facility…

Where they’ll spend their days squeezing in as many totally inadequate 30-minute therapy sessions as they can.

They’ll spend their lunch break with a sandwich in one hand, the other hand on the keyboard while they catch up on all the piles of documentation they didn’t have time for that morning… 

They’ll creatively set their clients up on exercise bikes (when they don’t really need it) so they can sneak off for 60 seconds just to go pee...

… and feel guilty about it later.

And at the end of the day, they’ll drive home exhausted, wondering if they REALLY made a difference for anyone at all.

You owe it to yourself to give Private Pay MBA a shot

With the 6-week guarantee, the only thing you have to risk right now is spending another day wondering if you could have opened your own practice.

A practice that means total freedom to make this into what you want it to be, not have to answer to anyone else and FINALLY get paid what you’re worth

In those 6 weeks you could very well start a side hustle to prove to yourself (and everyone else) that you can do it. From there, you can watch it blossom into a bustling full-time practice—one where you call the shots. 

So if you’re ready to wake up tomorrow and start…

  • Making a real difference for your clients (and gain the confidence and respect that comes with that)
  • Creating a realistic exit plan from the therapy factories and all the 3rd parties standing in the way of your success
  • And crafting the kind of life you used to just dream about...

Then we can’t wait to meet you inside Private Pay MBA!

- Doug and Lindsey

Either Option Gives You Instant Access

One Time Payment

  • Instant Lifetime Access to Entire 6 Chapter Online Course
    • Chapter 1: Activating Your Business Brain ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 2: Legitimizing Your Business ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 3: Pricing Your Services, Taking Payments, & Tweaking Your Processes ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 4: Perfecting Your Client Lifecyle ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 5: Marketing (and Growing) Your Practice ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 6: Working On Your Business - Thriving In Your CEO Role ($397 Value) 
  • Bonus 1: Private Pay Action Academy - exclusive community off social media (6 months access) to ask your questions, get accountability, post and receive feedback on all your marketing materials  ($6,000 Value)
  • Bonus 2: 6 Month's weekly group coaching to dial in your mindset, find clarity and take action ($7,500 Value)
  • Bonus 3: "OT Website in a Box: from 0 to client attracting website in days" - Build your practice website with confidence ($1,497 Value)
  • Bonus 4: "OT Practice Forms" - all the forms you need to run your private pay practice ($497 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Dare to Dream Calculator - Determine How Much You Can Earn ($97 Value) 
  • Bonus 6: Private Podcast - listen to all the group coaching calls on the go ($397 Value)


Total Value = $18,370

Instant Access for only $1,799


Cash-Flow Friendly

  • Instant Lifetime Access to Entire 6 Chapter Online Course
    • Chapter 1: Activating Your Business Brain ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 2: Legitimizing Your Business ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 3: Pricing Your Services, Taking Payments, & Tweaking Your Processes ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 4: Perfecting Your Client Lifecyle ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 5: Marketing (and Growing) Your Practice ($397 Value)
    • Chapter 6: Working On Your Business - Thriving In Your CEO Role ($397 Value) 
  • Bonus 1: Private Pay Action Academy - exclusive community off social media (6 months access) to ask your questions, get accountability, post and receive feedback on all your marketing materials  ($6,000 Value)
  • Bonus 2: 6 Month's weekly group coaching to dial in your mindset, find clarity and take action ($7,500 Value)
  • Bonus 3: "OT Website in a Box: from 0 to client attracting website in days" - Build your practice website with confidence ($1,497 Value)
  • Bonus 4: "OT Practice Forms" - all the forms you need to run your private pay practice ($497 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Dare to Dream Calculator - Determine How Much You Can Earn ($97 Value) 
  • Bonus 6: Private Podcast - listen to all the group coaching calls on the go ($397 Value)

Total Value = $18,370

Instant Access for only $347/m for 6 months